Thursday, December 22, 2011


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          title="Wordle: Untitled"><img
          alt="Wordle: Untitled"
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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why Kids Should Read, as Told by My Fourth Grade Self

Kids Should Read More
Imagine still being stuck in high school at age 25. Your brain is reduced to a pulp by the television. Why has this happened? Did you not benefit from educational, healthier and more fun than T.V., better life giving reading? If kids would read more, they could have a greater quality of life.

       One reason to read more is that it is very educational. I know you’ve heard it before, but it will really help you pass grades and not end up like the terrible scenario above. It will help you really understand your teachers are saying. Reading will widen your vocabulary as well. Books are the basis of our education.

        Another reason to choose reading is that it is much better than watching television.
Unlike books, T.V. will melt your brain instead of enriching it like books do. Books are also less expensive, portable, and have a wide variety of topics. T.V. hurts your eyes, but books just let you read for hours without headaches and eye pain. Another great thing about reading is that it gives a longer more detailed story.

               There are many more reasons to read, but here is my final reason to write about. Reading will give you a better quality of life. If you read, you will have the knowledge to get a better job. The more you read the more possibilities you will have. The world will be smarter and more advanced if there are more literate people.

          As you can see, reading is very good to do. In fact, you are becoming more educated by reading this! Also, at this moment, your brain is not being melted by television. By spreading the word about this, you are making the world better. Reading made you a superhero! Do you see why you should read?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

From Picket Fences to Pumpkin Lattes

    Do you remember the days when the quintessential American lifestyle was having a loving family,  a solid job, a doting wife, and a nice house with a white picket fence? It used to be many a person's dream. Now, that vision has become out dated. The new scenario involves a new set of ideals for a new time.
        Picture this: riding a bike to a coffee shop with a messenger bag swinging at your side. Having a fancy but healthy artisan drink at your side while you write in a blog with spiritual ramblings.You act like you are "just another person in this thing called life". There is even a slight hippie like quality about it.

   Most yuppies of our time have imagined that their life could be like this. However, this is a dream that cannot come true for many. We have money to make. Technology to depend on. We get swept up in hectic lives. But we still long for carefree cafe livin'.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Our Darkest Day, and Darkest Decade

Everyone knows what I mean. The fateful day when our lives of ease collapsed around us. We all knew that it would change us forever. But not in the way that we imagine. We are different people now. We are more connected to the country and the world. We are a bigger part of the big picture, we are more a part of the world.

        But with all this involvement, we are growing apart as well. We have more seperate views on common issues. We have more and more difficulty coming together on issues. It's not about togetherness anymore, doing what the people need. It's about what they need to please a few people.

                  Even though we don't want to have another great tragedy, such as what occurred on
September 11, 2001, it did do one great thing for the country. It brought us together. We both had the same thoughts, and just wanted to help. It wasn't about self enhancement, it was about helping those in need. It was about being a nation again.  

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Oh, It happens. Trust me.

Dear possible readers,
     Have you ever found yourself to be incapable of doing anything productive for an extended period of time? Have you ever found yourself knowingly procrastinating? Have you ever tried to actually become responsible and do actual things and unglue your face to the computer but failed miserably because you couldn't stay away from the temptation of Gmail, Facebook, and Youtube?

     You know you have, at least once in your life. And you're not alone. For you see, the rest of the world and I have to. We all have our own consequences, motivations (and lack of motivations), and temptations that keep us from becoming responsible human beings.We all have our stories of failure that far out number sucess.
      But we keep trying, no matter how much we know that we will end up in a self dug pit of shame. Some people might deny it. But I know that this, contrary to common belief, is normal.

For example:

                        Oooh, I am going to do something useful!
Maybe I'll eat breakfast today!
That went okay! Maybe I'll comb my hair. I think I am responsible enough to not have dreads.
This is going great! Maybe I can help other people, say pick up one piece of my junk.
Wow! At this rate, I could clean my room!
*looks in room* Say, I think there's a new video on youtube...
*Spends six hours looking at pointless videos in the dark* 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Who cares about titles anyway?

I haven't posted in a long time. I am tremendously sorry, but what did you expect! I am not terribly busy, so what reason do I have?  Well, I will divulge what very little I know about my own predicament. My blog is no longer a place where I can post anything I want. It is a place where my musings can be read by anyone.
         I can't ever make this a diary, for the risk of sounding like a conceited tweeny-bopper. wWhen I make public friendly posts, they are the most utterly boring written atrocities that I have ever read. So you see my dilemma. How can I meet in the middle? How will I ever freely express what I think? How can I be true? How can I make my homepage less of an eyesore?  These are my questions for the world.

     For now, I have no clue what I will post, or even if I will attempt to post at all. At the moment, my wittiness and knowledge will not be accurately channeled into a blog. So goodbye, dear readers, and when my brain and exceptional ideas return, so will I.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busch Gardens

Omigod!!!!!!! My life is interesting! Who would have thought that to be possible? I just went to Busch Gardens on a band trip! As you may know, I play the (awesome) French Horn. Our band program has a reputation of being very good. Our symphonic band won best overall. However, Concert (my band) won 2nd place for concert band II.
    Our trip started with a drive down, with a stop at a mall for lunch. We eventually got to the hotel, hung out, then drove to a high school to play. We played first, the listened to the symphonic band. We had dinner, then went back to the hotel to swim in the enormous indoor pool. We were there for two hours pushing each other in the deep end. Eventually, we stayed up late in our rooms eating pizza and watching the weather channel and TLC.
    The next morning, we were ecstatic when we heard that we were going to the park, which had been doubtful due to the threat of immense storms. I was there all day, doing my dare devil thing. I rode almost all the rides in the park. My favorite was the Griffon, which everyone was too chicken to go on. I also liked Escape to PompeiiIn, which was a water ride with fire. The day was intense, man.