Sunday, May 15, 2011

Busch Gardens

Omigod!!!!!!! My life is interesting! Who would have thought that to be possible? I just went to Busch Gardens on a band trip! As you may know, I play the (awesome) French Horn. Our band program has a reputation of being very good. Our symphonic band won best overall. However, Concert (my band) won 2nd place for concert band II.
    Our trip started with a drive down, with a stop at a mall for lunch. We eventually got to the hotel, hung out, then drove to a high school to play. We played first, the listened to the symphonic band. We had dinner, then went back to the hotel to swim in the enormous indoor pool. We were there for two hours pushing each other in the deep end. Eventually, we stayed up late in our rooms eating pizza and watching the weather channel and TLC.
    The next morning, we were ecstatic when we heard that we were going to the park, which had been doubtful due to the threat of immense storms. I was there all day, doing my dare devil thing. I rode almost all the rides in the park. My favorite was the Griffon, which everyone was too chicken to go on. I also liked Escape to PompeiiIn, which was a water ride with fire. The day was intense, man.

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